Title: The Streets Are Alive With The Hounds Of Music: Instruments Of Rapture
Label: Instruments Of Rapture
Cat: IOR 010
Format: 3xLP
Released: 11 June, 2012
Price: £15.82
Genre: Disco/Nu-Disco
Playlist: MP3
After surfacing with a delectable series that sought to bring some authenticity to the disco re-edit tangent of deep house, Instruments Of Rapture have brought all their co-conspirators together for a compilation that celebrates the old while keeping things fresh. There's a strong Italo vibe to be found on the likes of Gazeebo's "Last Night", while OOFT! manage a bold and brilliant boogie reboot on "Make U Mine". If you love classic primordial dance music, then you're going to find it hard to not get down to this powerful collection. Just try keeping yourself sat down through the resounding piano goodness of Deep Space Orchestra.
Side 1
1.OOFT! - "Make U Mine"
Side 2
1.Craig Bratley - "Birdshell" (The Revenge bonus dub)
2.Gazeebo - "Last Night"
Side 3
1.Deep Space Orchestra - "Mirage"
Side 4
1.Tornado Wallace - "Rainbow Road" (Lewie's Bowser Castle remix)
2.6th Borough Project - "Home Alone"
Side 5
1.Cronk Family Enterprises - "Put It On" (dub)
2.Daniel Solar - "Stingray"
Side 6
1.Deep Space Orchestra - "Mirage" (RIBN remix)